A lot of people assume that college students go to college in order to pursue their passion, but in fact that isn't necessarily the case. As a fourth year mechanical engineering major, I am confident and have no shame in saying that it isn't my passion, and that is okay. My real passion is telling stories, hearing stories, writing stories, observing a person's behavior to a story being told and most importantly influencing people with storytelling. I think I can relate this to when I was young, my mom would always ask why I lied so much to her to get out of trouble. I was really good at lying back then, I would do it to get out of anything and now I use it to play jokes on people for comedic relief. From middle school to high school, I wasn't involved in any clubs, sports and I wasn't the academic genius either. I was a burnout and would make friends just by having them laugh at my stories. I was that quiet Mexican in the blue sweater that was good at math. Every person has their own story to tell and listening to their story is probably my favorite part of the passion of storytelling. You can learn so much from someone the first time you meet them; their name can be hella weird, their religion/race could be unheard of and most importantly finding out you and the person have a mutual friend intertwining both of your existences from that point on. I want to keep this blog post short, even though there is so much that I can write about this passion. However, not writing enough is a factor of this passion. I always tell people that reading is good, but how about writing? You can be spending your whole life reading articles, the news, posts about what is going on around you and only limiting your knowledge to the info that people throw at you. You have to sometimes throw some of your own info at others. Not in a rude way, but always engage in questioning the stories you hear from others and have your own input, have your own beliefs and vent out through writing or speaking out. For example, some people who read this probably said "Wow he started this post informally with the word 'alot'". I write how I speak, because that is the way writing is intended to be. Well, that is my passion, and for the most part that is only part of my story.