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Flip a coin… is it heads or tails?

Me covering my face with my own hand… lets not talk about it OK?

Hello, Everyone! My name is Byron Padilla and I am your Web Administrator for this academic year. If you are reading this blog then it must mean that you are either one of our amazing members or you are someone interested in joining our club. Which ever one of the two you are, I want to welcome you to a special place we call Rotablog. In this website, you will be able to learn about what Rotaract represents to each and every one of us. We want to share our stories as members of this club, but the most important thing we want to share with you all is our passion for helping others. You will also get to learn about the different ways we as a club are impacting our campus community. Some of those stories are already here, on this website, as other blog posts. So after you are done reading this one, why not stalk the website for a bit and learn about other amazing people, events or facts about Rotary and Rotaract.

Editor’s Note: Between you and me, I am hands down the best Web administrator this year. Ask anyone on board and see what they say.

Introducing this new website and inviting members to take a look at what Rotablog is all about was the main subject of this blog. However, since I’m already here I might as well tell you a story. A story about a coin toss. Now the coin that was used for the toss was in no way different from the rest, nor was it special, but in the end, it made all the difference.

When I first arrived at UCI, I had no friends. The reality of it was that none of my friends from my High School had decided to pick UCI as their university, and as such everyone I met was someone new to me. A year passed and I was feeling more and more like I knew my way around campus, but at the same time, I was stressed with school work and family problems back home.

One day after moving into my new home for my second year of college, one of my friends (Yay! I made friends) suggested that I go to an event her club was holding. She told me I would be able to use a kayak and that I would be helping by cleaning the Back Bay. I was immediately interested since I had never used a kayak. The night before the event I was debating whether to go or not. Suddenly, I had the brilliant Idea of flipping a coin and letting fate decided. I flipped the coin… and it landed, however, the result didn’t matter to me. I knew that I was already excited for the event. I knew that I was going to go regardless of what the coin said. I knew I wanted to get away from all the stress and the problems. This is how I came to learn about Rotaract.

I took a chance on a new experience and I loved it. The coin didn’t matter, the result of the toss didn’t matter, all that matter was that I had the courage to take that first step into an unknown path.



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