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Knights of the Round Table

Hi Everyone,

Your friendly neighborhood web administrator here coming at you with another blog.

Hopefully, you are coming here after reading the other blog that was posted today. If not then maybe you want to take a look at it after you read this one.

Ok! Let’s get right into it this time around. Today I want to pay tribute/talk about the people that make Rotaract happen here at UCI. I am talking about Rotaract of UCI’s Board members.

First and foremost let me give you a background on how board is chosen. Board is usually composed of around 15+ people. Inside board, however, there is another group of people we call executives, currently these are The President, The Vice President, The Treasurer, The Secretary, and lastly the two Community Service Directors. After them, board is also composed of other positions that are crucial to running the club. If you want to know more about who is who on board you can take a look at the link below:

Executives are the head of the club and they make the hard decisions when it comes to the clubs goals and focus, however, everything else is discussed by everyone is our bi-weekly Board Meetings. We discuss what events are happening in the upcoming weeks. We also talk about any updates we have from our committees. We give each other valuable feedback in whatever we are doing for the club. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing, and that is for our club’s impact on our members and community to grow.

Now at this point, some of you might be interested in a position on board or you might simply be interested in being able to contribute some of your cool and fresh ideas.

If you are interested in becoming a part of board then I suggest you make sure that you are involved with the club as much as possible. Right now all I can say is to wait since we will be releasing more information in the future.

For those of you who think you have a great idea for an event, or perhaps you have something that you think fits well with our club, then what you can do is join us in one of our committee meetings and share it with us. We will take it into consideration when we are planning our events.

Now that you guys have learned how Rotaract works on the inside I want to challenge you guys to go out to a committee meeting/General meetings and spend some time to talk to us. This really makes us happy since we can see that there are others who are interested in what we do and share the same passion that we do.



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