Hello Everyone,
I first want to begin this blog by apologizing. I want to apologize for being late in posting this blog. I had originally planned this blog to go up on the website at 7 pm on Tuesday of last week, however, technology ruthlessly backstabbed me.
The file I had originally written the blog was corrupted! Ohhhh the horror! Just remembering makes me want to cry.
So, after a few tears, three episodes of Flash, and a good dinner I sat down to write again. I managed to write about half of the blog before I had to go to bed. I came back to finish it Wednesday late in the night, but then I decided that I should hold off on posting it since the right time in the week had already passed. This is why there is a double upload this week.
Alright! Enough about me and my problems. Let's move on to talk about today’s topic. Family! To be more specific we are talking about your Rotaract family and for those who haven't yet decided to become a paid member or perhaps just learned about our club, I will also be sharing some information about the Rotaract family system.
Let me begin by explaining how our family system works. Every year we come together to brainstorm a new and cool family theme. This year's theme is something that you all know and love: Star Wars. In previous years it has been Pokemon, Harry Potter, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and The Avengers. After the theme is decided we come together to figure out who will be the heads of the different families. Those heads will then join to create a family environment by creating fun family events and socials.
On the Rotaract side, our Fellowship Committee Directors (Pristine and Alex this year) plan out family competitions and events. Depending on the outcome of those events points will be awarded to each family and at the end of the year a winner will be decided and their family name will be engraved in RotaractUCI's Plaque of Fame (By the way, I don’t want to sound cocky, but my family won/destroyed last year!)
This year some of you guys might have already experienced how competitive families can be. The competition was especially fierce in the last scavenger hunt that went down in Fashion Island. What is even more interesting is that even after that event finished families are all really close to each other in points. It seems like the upcoming Winter Family Day and other events happening in spring will also be really fun and competitive.
However, even though the family system at times might seem like a huge competition this was not the reason why it was started. Our Rotaract ancestors wanted to create a system that allowed rotaractors to come together and bond with each other. They wanted to give rotaractors a space where they had others they could rely on and speak with freely about anything. And of course, what better place to do that then a family.
Hopefully, this has given you a little peak into how families came to be and also what our goals as a club are for your families.
By the way, if you haven't done so already, make sure to follow us on Instagram ( rotaractuci ), Snapchat ( rotaractuci ), and Facebook ( Rotaract of UCI ). #ShamelessPlug #TheHolyTrinity
And as always,
Until Next time, Rotaractors!
Hopefully, you’ll also get to hear from me in the other blog that went up today!