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My Rotaract Experience

“Hi my name is Jamie Le and I’m a second year biomedical engineering student. And I’m also part of your Finance Committee.”

This is probably the introduction most of you have heard me say, and possibly the only time you heard me really talk at general meetings. So, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Jamie Le, I am a biomedical engineering major, trying to minor in economics, I love food, and school is literally killing me.

Many of you may be curious on why I joined Rotaract’s Board or even the organization in general, since I definitely do not have a lot of time on my hands with the intensity of my major and minor. Well, out of all the clubs I've been in or went to check out - believe me it's a lot - Rotaract left the best first impression on me. It left such a great impression, that the first general meeting I attended is actually one of my most memorable moments I have here in Rotaract. I know, I know. I hear you grumbling about how cliche my answer is, but it’s true!

Rotaract is honestly the first club that I just clicked well with. I joined my freshman year of spring quarter and everyone there was so kind and willing to talk to me. You might think most clubs on campus would be the same, but they really are not. As a freshman it’s hard to find a club where you’re automatically comfortable with the members, especially the upperclassmen. I remember doing an icebreaker that the fellowship committee intern at the time (Pristine) held, and it was really fun actually having a chance to interact with so many different types of people with the same purpose. All the established members definitely tried to interact with newer members and make them feel very welcomed. As a result, I decided to join and eventually I became a part of Board.So far that is my Rotaract experience. Truthfully, I love Rotaract because almost everyone genuinely cares about the community and each other. Hopefully, all of you feel the same way, maybe not immediately, but gradually.

Shout out to Christina Leung and Pristine Wong for convincing me to join!



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