It's hard not to talk about the most memorable experience without explaining why I joined Rotaract in the first place. As a transfer student, I knew I had to make an effort to meet people, not just for the sake of my sanity, but because I wanted to make the most of my college experience; the story of how I joined will be saved for another time. There have been plenty of good memories since joining the club: service events, socials, and the friendships that I have made along the way.
Last year was my first year at UCI and as a member of Rotaract, and the first quarter there is still my most memorable. The first social I went to was a Gina's Pizza social and I had decided to go there to meet the people in the club. I was actually quite anxious about going fearing that it would just be people who all knew each other and low and behold, it was. Most of the people there were on board and being a new member I instantly fell out of place. As I made my rounds introducing myself and being introduced to them, I felt welcomed. Not just into the club, but as a person. They were the friendliest of people and all of them put an effort to say something to me. I knew from that point on, I made the right choice in joining Rotaract. Rotaract became my home away from home and there are still plenty of memories left to be had before I graduate.