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A Rotamoment

2017 Involvement Fair

Hi everyone,

I am Xochitl Lopez, one of your Marketing Directors for the 2017-2018 school-year. The image above is that of early morning at the Anteater Involvement Fair. I chose this for my entry, even though I am hidden in the back (yep, that's me!), because I felt that it captured the moment quite well. It was one of my first experiences as a marketing member and I really enjoyed it. I am glad to be in Marketing Committee with Ashley and Christina. They have made me feel welcome, appreciated, and we have been having a lot of fun. They are really great people and they are also very hard working. I have a lot to learn from them. Rotaract has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of hardworking and caring people like them. I hope to create new moments with all of you, my fellow Rotaractors. Marketing will be doing our best to give you all a great experience!



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